The Higher The Stakes, The Greater The Complexity, The Larger The Power Disparity / The Stronger We Shine.
Non-Compete Agreements
Complex Disputes Demand Skilled Negotiators
Whether you’re an employer or an employee, a non-compete agreement is a binding contract that needs to be fair to both parties. When well crafted, these documents protect an employer from losing valuable assets and from an employee directly competing against that business for a certain period after their employment has ended.
But if a non-compete does not meet certain criteria and unreasonably constricts an employee’s ability to work, it can be deemed unenforceable by a court.
An experienced corporate attorney knows what makes an enforceable non-compete agreement and how to successfully argue the finer points of these cases from both sides. The attorneys at Bochetto and Lentz have successfully resolved a number of non-compete disputes for both employers when employees have breached these contracts and employees who were held to unreasonable conditions by non-competes.
Our team can help you find a fair resolution to these disputes, but non-compete cases often rest on speedy interventions. So, contact the attorneys at Bochetto and Lentz as soon as possible to discuss your unique situation.